Pink Eye Treatment Administered by Medical Professionals in Cape May, NJ
Pink eye treatment is typically given at home, but sometimes the symptoms become too bothersome to handle on one’s own. That’s when turning to a trained medical professional can become an option. At Cape Regional Urgent Care, we can quickly diagnose and treat people who have pink eye, or conjunctivitis, according to their specific needs.
Pink eye is an irritation of the outer portion of the eyeball and the surrounding skin. It can be caused by allergies, or a bacterial or viral infection, and the particular conjunctivitis treatment used will depend on the diagnosis. Inflammation caused by allergies can be addressed with antihistamines, while bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. Viral infections often just have to run their course, although there are steps that can reduce the symptoms, such as applying compresses to the eye. There are also practices that should be followed to stop the virus from spreading, like limiting hand-eye contact and washing one’s hands frequently.
No matter the case, Cape Regional Urgent Care’s board-certified and highly experienced physicians can offer each patient proper pink eye treatment and advice on how they can better manage their symptoms as they recover.
Our physicians and other staff members don’t only offer pink eye treatment assistance in Cape May, NJ – we also make it as convenient and helpful as possible. When patients turn to us, they can expect the following:
- Quick, walk-in treatment, with no need to make an appointment
- One-on-one, friendly, and compassionate care for visitors and residents alike
- A follow-up phone call to ensure that our treatment is helping each patient
Whether patients look to us for conjunctivitis treatment or help with another non-emergency illness or injury, we’re happy to help.
To learn more about our pink eye treatment options, contact Cape Regional Urgent Care today. You can also feel free to walk into our clean, welcoming clinic in Cape May Courthouse, NJ, for quick care.